I can send a complete curriculum vitae upon request.

employment & funding

2022 – 2023

development of eLearning material on ethics of science

funded by the HHU eLearning fond: 9.000 EUR

additional staff: two student assistants

since April 2022

Lecturer (full-time, tenured) at the Institute of Philosophy at the HHU in Düsseldorf

project lead: Ethics of Science (scope: research ethics, bioethics, social responsibility)

QVM-financed (HHU): funding for 1,5 permanent lecturer posts

additional staff: Julia Mirkin (50%, tenured, research fellow)

April 2022 – September 2022

teaching project: Scientific Blogging about CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing

funded by the HHU Citizens‘ University: 18.000 EUR

additional staff: Julia Mirkin  (50%, doctoral research fellow)

Oktober 2020 – March 2021

teaching project: Science Denialism & Knowledge Transfer

funded by the HHU Citizens‘ University: 15.000 EUR

additional staff: Ina Gawel  (50%, doctoral research fellow)

April 2020 – March 2022

project lead: Ethics of Science

QVM-financed (HHU): 140.000 EUR

additional staff: Julia Mirkin (50%, doctoral research fellow)

2019 – 2021

Center for Bioethics at the University of Münster

guest lectures

  • Freedom of Science (PhD-level)
  • Bioethics (PhD-level)
  • Animal Ethics (PhD-level)
  • Environmental Ethics (PhD-level)

2018 – 2022

postdoc at the chair of theoretical philosophy at the HHU in Duesseldorf, Germany

2017 – 2022

assistant director of the Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (DCLPS)

2013 – 2018

research fellow at the chair of theoretical philosophy at the HHU in Duesseldorf, Germany

2013 – 2018

research fellow at the Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (DCLPS)

2006 – 2012

student assistant at the chair of theoretical philosophy at the HHU in Duesseldorf, Germany



doctorate / Dr. phil. (philosophy)

with distinction / summa cum laude (0), best possible mark

doctoral thesis: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis — Eine philosophische Untersuchung am Fallbeispiel der biomedizinischen Forschung / Good Scientific Practice — A philosophical investigation with case studies on biomedical research (370 p.)

Gerhard Schurz (supervisor)

Christoph Kann (2nd corrector)

other committee members (disputatio)

  • Markus Schrenk
  • Frank Dietrich
  • Andrea Germer (external member)

HHU in Duesseldorf, Germany


Master of Arts / M.A. (philosophy)

very good (1) / best possible mark

master thesis: Science & Pseudoscience (190 p.)

Gerhard Schurz (supervisor)

Christoph Kann (2nd corrector)

HHU in Duesseldorf, Germany


Bachelor of Arts / B.A. (major: philosophy, minor: sociology)

very good (1) / best possible mark

bachelor thesis: Creationism and Intelligent Design (142 p.)

Gerhard Schurz (supervisor)

Christoph Kann (2nd corrector)

HHU in Duesseldorf, Germany

2005 – 2012

studies in philosophy, sociology and biology

HHU in Duesseldorf, Germany

professional memberships

  • European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)
  • Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie e.V. / German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP)
  • Stammzellnetzwerk.NRW / StemCellNetwork.NRW
  • Netzwerk Junge Medizinethik (JMED)


ad hoc reviews for journals: Nature, Science and Public Policy (Sci. Public Policy), Kriterion (Kriterion), Journal for General Philosophy of Science (J. Gen. Philos. Sci.), Journal for Ethics and Moral Theory (ZEMO), Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS), Theoria (Theoria), Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics (Front. Res. Metr. Anal.), Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie (ZfPP), Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (MHEP), International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Int Stud Philos Sci)

ad hoc reviews for founding: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung